The Short Box: A Comic Book Talk Show

Patreon Preview: Deadpool & Wolverine Movie Review

The Short Box Podcast: A Comic Book Talk Show Season 9

Here's a preview of our latest Patreon bonus episode! Badr and Drew talk about Deadpool & Wolverine, and discuss their reaction to the movie, favorite cameos, and thoughts on where the MCU goes from here
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Patreon Preview: Deadpool & Wolverine Movie Review - The Short Box Podcast Bonus Episode

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Yoo, Short Box Nation. Welcome back to the podcast. Thanks for coming back. Thanks for tuning in. If this is your first time tuning in, if you're new to the Short Box, well, welcome. My name is Badr and this is the Short Box Podcast, the comic book talk show that brings you the best conversations about comic books with the people that put their blood sweat and tears into making them. Today, I do not have an interview with said person that puts their blood, sweat and tears into making them. Instead, as you can probably tell from my voice,

Your boy has been fighting a cold the past couple of days. And not just any kind of cold, but a summer cold, which sucks even more when you live in a hot ass state like Florida. It's just not a good recipe. Runny stuffy nose and swamp ass and humidity. Just it's not a pretty picture. I had plans of recording a San Diego Comic Con recap episode. But to be honest, I enjoyed most of San Diego Comic Con from the comfort of bed. So just did not have a chance to record this week.

But all is not lost because prior to feeling like crap, I did have a chance to record with Drew earlier last week. We've been recording these TGIF bonus episodes on a bi-weekly basis. We're up to three episodes now. We recorded one last week where we talked about the TMNT number one pizza party launch party at Gotham City Limit, which I heard me and Ben talk about in last week's episode. I mean, Drew also talked about Deadpool and Wolverine since we saw it on opening night on Thursday.

And we talked a little bit about the San Diego ComCon news that came out earlier in the week. So, but I say all of that to say I did not want to leave you guys empty handed this week. So I'm dropping a preview of that episode of the latest Patreon episode, specifically the first 15 minutes of our Deadpool Wolverine review.

which means there is spoiler warnings. If you haven't seen Deadpool Wolverine yet, I advise maybe you pause this and come back to it later. If you have seen the movie, then I think you'll enjoy it. If you enjoy the first 15 minutes, there's a little preview. There's another 25 minutes of us talking about the movie. And of course, like I said, we recorded over an hour and 40 minutes of just catching up on life and comics and things from last week. Which this is a good opportunity to remind all of you, especially the new fans, the new folks joining the show.

that if you want to support the work that goes into the podcast as well as get access to a Bunch of bonus episodes and I think bunch is not even the right word. There's literally hundreds of bonus episodes Bonus shows videos and other content on the patreon So once again slash short box you can sign up for a free seven-day trial Check it out. See if you like it. Hopefully

You will, I think you will. If you like the regular weekly show, you'll enjoy all the other stuff that we give to our patrons. Big shout out to the patrons. I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Thank you for the support. And that goes for everyone that tunes in and listens to this show. You're all part of the story. No matter if you listen or you tell people about the show, whether you rate or review it, I thank you for being a part of the Short Box Nation. I think that's enough preamble. Let's get into the main part of the show, which once again, this is a 15 minute preview.

of me and Drew's Deadpool and Wolverine review. If you want the full episode and a bunch of other bonus episodes, check out slash the short box. I've got a cup of NyQuil and a nap calling my name. I'm gonna go rest. You guys be well, take care of yourselves, read a good comic book, and I'll catch you around, right? Peace. Okay, let's get into the meat and potatoes. It's time to talk about...

Deadpool and Wolverine. If you haven't watched the movie, obviously skip forward to the next segment, which is where we'll talk about San Diego Comic Con. It's on the comics we'll be reading. Or if you put it on pause. Yeah, yeah, yeah, pause. Pause it right now. And come back. And then come back. But we will be getting into spoiler territory here. So that is your fair warning. Me and Drew went to go see the movie on Thursday night, and it's been less than 12 hours since we've watched the movie, so it's pretty fresh on our minds.

and we're gonna get right into it starting right now. Here's how we'll start it. We'll look at Rotten Tomatoes. Yes. Just to like see what, just to get a temperature. Because they're the experts. We know them. We're just gonna temp check. Man, temp check. We're just gonna temp check. We're not taking this seriously. I'm just curious what it is. So right now Rotten Tomatoes, Deadpool Wolverine is ranked at 79% on the tomato meter. 98% audience score. My question to you, good sir. 2% people hate it? You know man, some people ain't got taste. Hate is gonna hate, man. Hate is going to hate. Drew, I ask you, good sir.

Where do you sit on the ranking? Are you on the 98% side or are you more so on the 79% side? I was at 98. That movie had me in stitches. OK. Yeah, pretty funny. No, pretty funny doesn't even put it. It was really good. And I was laughing so hard that I missed parts. This is definitely going to get a second watch. It's getting a second printing. It's getting a second viewing. This is going to get a second viewing for sure.

I laughed so much. I got more from this movie than my therapist did. I don't even have a therapist. So OK, so this is a second movie viewing experience for you. For sure. Yeah, and it's definitely. So you found it what? Entertaining. This was like, yo, they delivered. They signed. Sealed and delivered. Yeah, signed, sealed, and delivered. Yo, I love the commentary. This thing broke the fourth wall so many times. This is a whole other level. I was like, man.

This is so crazy. This felt like Infinity War and it felt like Homecoming. Hmm. Hmm, I can see that because you got all the multiple cameos and actors that have showed up. And it felt natural. This movie, here's the thing. That's what I'm saying. This was a natural funny movie. I was like, oh, this is a trash movie. And it only makes sense when you see it. You're like, oh wow, this is a trash movie. Yeah, oh no, it's definitely, it's trashy in the best ways, what I'll say. Yeah.

Bro, I was laughing rethinking about some of the parts that I wanted to talk to you about. What is the most, which one had you laughing about? Bro, when he cuts, when Sabertooth gets his head cut off and then immediately Ryan Reynolds picks it up and he's like, I'm furious. Even though prior he was like, we gotta watch out for, what did he say, copyright. Yeah, the copyright infringement of it. So I was like, holy crap. And the amount of songs.

Oh, that soundtrack was stupid good. The soundtrack? I was like, what? That soundtrack was stupid good. From Nsync to Madonna to Green Day. And what's crazy to me is how long they let the song go. Oh yeah. Come on, they had the money to pay for it. But that's what I'm saying. It's just like, they weren't playing for snippets. They were playing like long montages. Okay, okay. I will go ahead and say. This movie got me hyped to see it a second time. I'm gonna actually read you exactly what I wrote to, my buddy Greg hit me up this morning. I was like.

Give me your spoiler free take on Deadpool. And I think this is what I've been waiting to say. I told them it's an obscene amount of audacious fun, and it's got a lot of heart. Ryan Reynolds said in an interview, I don't know if you watched the most recent episode of Hot Ones with him and Hugh Jackman doing it together. It's so funny to me that you got, these guys are a manly men. They were saying Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine, this cold blooded murderer, and to see him eat hot wings. And get his ass kicked. And Sean, Sean felt like a mom. Like he's like, hey, hey listen, don't touch.

Don't touch your face. Hugh Jackman, yeah, that Hot Ones episode is fantastic. If you haven't watched that one, I'm telling you, it is so well worth your time. They, their friendship is like, kind of, it's really funny to see. They're really cute together. When they said that this movie was a culmination of like, a buddy cop movie, like I was like, wow. I was like, that is- It's perfectly said. Cause they play off each other so well in the movie, right? It's like Wolverine, you know.

Cold-blooded killer, he's not here for the shits, he does not, he cannot stand Deadpool. Deadpool being the complete opposite. They play off each other really well. And I think when you see that, oh no, they're like real friends in real life. Like they're close, they work off each other's jokes, they can finish other's sentences. Like, I think it just made me appreciate their on-screen chemistry even more. Deadpool and Wolverine is an obscene amount of like, fun. It is extremely fun, it's got a lot of heart, and Ryan Reynolds says in that Hot Ones interview that

joy and fun where they're a North star. And I think that shows in this movie, where they wanted it to be fun, they wanted it to be, you know, they just focus on it just being fun. Turn your brain off for a minute, let's just like celebrate superhero movies, and I think they succeeded in that. I also think it's a giant love letter to like day one superhero movie fans. And I mean that like literally, like we're talking like day one,

first X-Men movie, the bad Fox superhero Marvel movies of the Electra, Daredevil and all that stuff. This is a love letter to people like us that grew up watching those movies and thinking those were hot shit because that's all we had. We didn't know any better. Yes, I think it's a giant love letter to, specifically not just superhero movie fans, but also the Fox universe. And I think this movie serves as a final send-off where it's like, hey look, thank you for what you've done.

Let's also poke some fun at you. It was like a Fox, it was a Fox superhero movie, roast movie is what it was. And I think if you go into that mindset and you toss out any care for like a serious story or like real stakes, I think you'll be better off. And you know, like, I went, obviously I went with life. Who was stupid excited to see this? She spent the whole week reminding me that.

Wolverine and the X-Men are here to save Marvel's ass once again. She spent the whole week like just hyping that up Yeah, and you'd have to do it. Yeah, the X-Men had to come in You know, it's like breaking case emergency. Shh this you sucks. Let's let's bring back Wolverine So the movie was a lot of fun and I think drew if I'm being completely honest with you I think I went in expecting something just a little more serious or something that was going to possibly

I don't know, reset the MCU or kind of fix some things. It's no secret that as of late, the MCU movies have been kind of, it's been a like- Fatigue, there's a fatigue. There's a fatigue, I think the quality has waned in some of these movies. I think some of them have been extremely hit or miss. And I don't know why I decided to put my chips on a Deadpool movie to be like the thing that was going to like-

kind of like reset the table and give me something serious. And I think that threw me off at first because by the time that movie ended, I felt a little like, huh, okay, so this wasn't that. This wasn't gonna, you know, like even though he joked about a Deadpool joke about being Marvel Jesus or MJ, you can call him if you're nasty. I'm not lying to you. And J for nasty. He saved the MCU in the sense of like, hey, I'm just gonna give you guys a fun movie. Let's celebrate the obvious. Let's celebrate like what came before.

But if you're here to think about how we're going to clean this up and like, kind of like streamline some of these stories, that was not the case. Yeah. To me, it felt like the plot wise, it was a little weak in the plot where it was like this, this the same old like multiverse mumbo jumbo. And it felt almost a little bit like a Loki episode. Like they took the plot of a Loki episode or really Loki season one and was like, okay, let's just take that. Loki is so good though. Let's take that and then just apply Deadpool to it.

And the plot isn't really that important. The villain is not that important. What's important is seeing fucking Deadpool and Wolverine together, gratuitous violence, R-rated comedy, and fucking fan service galore. That's what's important in this movie. But it is high stakes, because it's the world, but it's literally like Deadpool's just trying to save like nine people. He's like, I just want to save these people in the photograph. And that's what I'm saying. It's got a lot of heart. We're talking about.

two heroes that are at their lowest, right? And basically kind of going through a midlife crisis. Deadpool is trying to figure out a new sense of purpose. The Wolverine we meet is in the slumps. He's depressed. He is, both of them are dealing with things from their past and trying to move on. Which I think is, the jokes aren't just fourth wall breaking and meta, but I think overall everything about this is like aware of itself. You could almost say this is a giant metaphor for how Fox handled the superhero movies

you know, where Marvel is, or MCU is now. We know that this Wolverine let down his team, but what Wolverine do you think this is? I'm not sure which Deadpool this is. Is this Deadpool from the one, triple, zero, five, I think, universe, or the 616? No, there's no 616. He's joining the 616. So they're bringing him in. I think what I'm correcting is like, hey, we're gonna erase your timeline. Uh-huh.

and bring you into the 616. Yeah, you're gonna be coming into the 616. My question though is, which Deadpool was it in the beginning that goes to do the interview with Happy? That is the other Deadpool. Which other Deadpool? Sorry, the original Deadpool. He has the time machine or whatever where I think he's dumping. Time machine mumbo jumbo is what I'm saying. That interview happened six years later from when he tries to join and he's back on his original Earth.

That just don't make no sense to me. Yeah, I know that he's at the sacred timeline or whatever, but like, I know you're talking, yes. We have to rewind. Time Machine Mumbo Jumbo. I'm telling you, if you really paid attention to the story or the plot, it kind of falters. But that's not the point of this movie. It falters from the beginning. And that's what I'm saying is, curb your expectation that the plot is going to be second to the jokes and just overall fun.

And I think once I was like, oh yeah, why did I think this was gonna be a serious movie? This was just a lot of fucking fun. Okay, with that being said, what was your favorite cameo? Because this was fanservice cameo galore. Oh, my favorite? There's a lot to choose from. Man, the one that was the most shocking and our entire theater clapped and yelled and screamed was Wesley Snipes' Blame.

Bro, when he walked through that hallway, oh my god, people lost their dating mind. Cause I didn't know what it was, I was like, wait, like who could be possibly in there? And I was like, oh this is really cool that it's all these characters. Jennifer Garner showing up was a huge surprise for me. Oh, and how about the Ben Affleck joke immediately after she showed up? Oh yeah, where they're like, doesn't Deadpool say something like. But Daredevil. Yeah, Daredevil's dead and she's like, eh. Yeah, she's like, eh. Cause of the, that's what I'm saying, it's a very self-aware movie. And.

I think if you're someone that gets tired of meta jokes and fourth wall breaking, it can get a little tiring. But it's also a Deadpool movie. This was maybe the most Deadpool accurate comic book, comic book movie. It was just missing yellow text bubbles. Exactly. It was missing like, you know, the panels. It really did feel like a comic book, comic book accurate movie where it's over the top. It felt like a Marvel Max book.

So I told you Jennifer Gardner was one of my favorite cameos. Chris Evans showing up in this movie genuinely surprised me. It surprised me so much that I thought the audience, or my theater was going to be clapping and erupting in cheers, but I think everyone was so shocked. In shock, yeah. That we didn't have time to react. I know, I didn't. I looked, I was like. When you hear, like here's the, you're like, oh my God, oh my God. And then you're like, oh, he's gonna say it. And then when he says, like. Oh, they fake out. Dude, the way they fake it out was so, yeah, yeah. He's like.

Like, so freaking amazing, like this is dope. And Chris Haven looked like he had so much fun being able to cuss. Oh yeah. And like, you know, he had that. People are like, it's Captain America. That New York accent. Oh, 100%. The fact that he got to basically like just edit in a Disney movie no less was amazing. Like I was like, this is great. And they killed him so awful. Oh man.

The way that he thought, that's what I was saying right now. Everybody was like, yo, who got it worse? Like, yo, oh my God. They were like, oh, he's dead now. He's no longer here. What do you think about your boy playing Gambit? I thought about you when I said that. Oh my God, here's the thing. Yes, 100% yes for a myriad of reasons. I know you love Channing Tatum, so when I seen him in the comic book accurate Gambit suit. You gotta stop, I don't wanna laugh this much. And how fit his back.

Actually, you know he lived in New Orleans for a minute, but here's the thing. That's what's so good It's like bro. They gave like this is what people are like. I want a comic book accurate Gambit, I want to get like yo, this is like The fact that you're able to act in that ridiculous outfit it looked like he could have turned his neck

Bro, that's why it was so great and I love the way he just it reminded he looked like he came from the waterboy movie like It first asked Adam Sandler they're like hey do you want it and I he's probably said no Give it to that kid and he did have some good parts like oh, no, his choreography is seeing the cards You know in person I will give him that the fact that because when you see him, it's ridiculous looking and he's he's funny

I'm glad they gave him the retribution, right? Because he is someone that was like earnest and passionate and looking forward to bringing Gambit to the big screen. And he says it too. And they, I mean, yeah, he had a bunch of jokes. They set it up, the joke, he's like, I need this. He goes, I need this. When does he, he says something, he's like, who knows? I think I was born in the void. You know, like, it's like, that's pretty good joke right there. That's very true, because everybody's talking about their mom and dad. He's like.

Tell you the truth, I think it was a bullet. A bullet in the bullet, yeah. But I mean, you know, Jennifer Gardner playing Electra said it too, she was like, we just want an ending, you know? And that's what I'm saying, this movie is so self-aware of itself that, you know, they wanna give, even though no one asked for an ending. No, no. I didn't need fucking Electra. No, but it was so good, like I was like, okay, you. It's fun, it's fun. It felt really respectable, and this is like a really, really fun time. You're not lying, this definitely felt like, okay.

This is the team up movie that you didn't think you needed. Not at all. And what you said about this movie could have been anything else. I think the way the trailers kind of were selling it was that it was going to be a little more. And once again, this might've been how I interpreted it, which was obviously wrong. I think the trailers made it seem like this is going to be, you know, Hey, we're going to tie things up, fixing stuff. This is the last time we'll need to use, you know, the mold. We're going to use a multiverse to fix the multiverse. And that was not the case.

I will give them credit in being able to keep all of these cameos a secret. Oh! The amount of, it's like, none of this leaked? None. Alright, just some other honorable mentions, and feel free to add here, but the inclusion of all of these past X-Men villains, like we saw Tyler Mane playing, and having the original actors too, Aaron Stanford playing Pyro, Taylor Mane playing Sabertooth again,

Shatterstar, I mean, it's a lot. It is a lot. I didn't notice that they did not invite Olivia Munn back to play Sidelock. They had someone else play Sidelock and that threw me off. Let me see what else. What did you think about the antagonist in this movie? So I'm talking about Mr. Paradox, played by Matthew McFadden, our guy from fucking us. Succession? Succession. Yeah. Yeah, bringing that succession vibe. And then we had Emma Corrin playing Cassandra Nova.

Dude, she was scary. Yeah. Scary. I was like, holy shit, her power set is freaking unbelievably strong. There you have it, ShortBikes Nation. That's the end of the show. Thank you for hanging out. Thanks for being here. And a special shout out if you made it this far. If you enjoyed this episode and you have some thoughts or comments that you want to share with us, write us at thes And if you really liked this episode.

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Be sure to come back next week for a new episode. And most importantly, take care of yourselves, read a good comic, and continue to make mine and yours short box. I'll catch you soon. Peace.


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